Time zone 1: May 30, 2024 | 19:00 (CEST) / 13:00 (EDT)
Time zone 2: June 4, 2024 | 17:00 (SGT) / 19:00 (AEST)

Perspectives Webinar: The Value-Based Radiologist

In the evolving landscape of healthcare, the transition towards a value-based care paradigm profoundly affects every specialty, including radiologists. This round-table discussion with leading clinical experts will delve into the intricate intersections between value-based care and radiology practice. Join us for an engaging exploration of the challenges and opportunities for radiologists in delivering high-quality, value-driven care.


  • Round-table discussion by Dr. Saurabh Jha (moderator), Prof. Andrea G. Rockall and Dr. Merel Huisman
  • Q&A

Why you should attend

  1. Learn about how the paradigm shift to value-based care affects radiology practice
  2. Get a deeper understanding of the role of radiologists in delivering value-based care
  3. Get insights from leading experts on how to overcome challenges in delivering value-driven care
  4. Participate in the Q&A to find answers to your own questions


All delegates who attended will receive a certificate* of attendance.
*Your full name submitted at registration will be used on the attendance certificate.

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  • The opinions expressed in this material are solely those of the presenter and not necessarily those of Canon Medical Systems. Canon Medical Systems does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information provided herein.
  • The clinical results, performance and views described in this video/webinar are the experience of the clinician. Results may vary due to clinical setting, patient presentation and other factors. Many factors could cause the actual results and performance of Canon Medical’s products to be materially different from any of the aforementioned.
  • Some products shown might not be available in all regulatory jurisdictions, please consult with your local Canon sales office for availability in your region.

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