EuroEcho | December 11-13, Berlin

2 Live presentations on the booth

EuroEcho-Imaging, the flagship congress of the EACVI, brings together global experts to share the latest in echocardiography and cardiovascular imaging. Visit Canon’s booth to experience their cutting-edge ultrasound solutions, designed for both routine and advanced cardiac examinations. Discover how Canon makes echocardiography easier, faster, and more reliable. Don’t miss this opportunity to see the future of cardiovascular imaging and explore additional programs at the Canon booth.


Thursday 12th of December  
  • 13:00–14:00 - Athlete´s heart and COVID-19: Use of echocardiography for diagnostics and therapy decision. | Dr. Claudia Beckendorf
Friday 13th of December
  • 13:00–14:00 - Revolutionizing Cardiac Ultrasound: Using AI for Fast and reliable echo results. | Prof. Dr. Fabian Knebel


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 Information on Speakers and Presentations

Speaker: Dr. Med. Claudia Beckendorf, MD Cardiologist
Universität Potsdam Hochschulambulanz, Zentrum für Sportmedizin und Sportkardiologie,
Am neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam, Germany

Presentation: Athlete´s heart and COVID-19: Use of echocardiography for diagnostics and therapy decision.

Learning objectives
  • What’s the added value of echocardiography for diagnostics of the athlete’s heart after COVID-19
  • Is the decision for therapy influenced by screening first with ultrasound in athlete’s suffered from COVID-19
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Fabian Knebel, MD Head of cardiology department
Sanaklinikum Berlin- Lichtenberg
Berlin – Germany

Live Echo demonstration: Revolutionizing Cardiac Ultrasound: Using AI for Fast and reliable echo results.

Prof. Knebel will show in a live demonstration the advantages of using AI supported applications to differentiate between healthy hearts and hearts suffering from a disease like e.g. HCM. Additional background information will be shared by using a PowerPoint presentation.

Learning objectives
  1. Why AI will decrease the time to examine a patient
  2. Will automated strain analysis bring us more inside on the performance of the heart


  • The opinions expressed in this material are solely those of the presenter and not necessarily those of Canon Medical Systems. Canon Medical Systems does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information provided herein.
  • The clinical results, performance and views described in this video/webinar are the experience of the clinician. Results may vary due to clinical setting, patient presentation and other factors. Many factors could cause the actual results and performance of Canon Medical’s products to be materially different from any of the aforementioned.
  • Some products shown might not be available in all regulatory jurisdictions, please consult with your local Canon sales office for availability in your region.

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