We are about to scan a patient at 100 kVp, but have established a poor renal function, so decide to drop to 80 kVp such that we can give less contrast media whilst maintaining enhancement. How much can we drop by? Using our current system we would drop by one group.
Let’s assume the patient is 65 kg. She would usually receive a weight-based dose of 85 mls to attempt to enhance the liver to around 115 HU. This equates to a dose of 1mg iodine for every 288 mls fluid, but at 80 kVp the results suggest that she would need only 1 mg iodine in 392 mls fluid. Therefore, this advocates we should be able to drop by 288/392 x 85 mls = 62 mls and maintain enhancement. Using our current rule of dropping one group, we would have only reduced to 75 mls, but in actual fact we could do much better by dropping two groups to give 60 mls. This would be a contrast reduction of around 30%.
So in general, we can infer some multiplication factors for kVp changing that should maintain the same portal phase enhancement as follows:
- Change from 80 > 100 kVp, increase volume by x 1.36
- Change from 100 > 120 kVp, increase volume by x 1.26
- Change from 120 > 135 kVp, increase volume by x 1.15
- Change from 135 > 120 kVp, decrease volume by 0.87
- Change from 120 > 100 kVp, decrease volume by 0.79
- Change from 100 > 80 kVp, decrease volume by x 0.73
As our default kVp is 100, the most useful two changes for us to consider are raising from 100 to 120 kVp for larger patients (we practically never need to go as high as 135 kVp), and, lowering from 100 to 80 kVp for patients with poor renal functions (though very low kVp is often only a realistic option for smaller patients where an adequate overall exposure can still be attained).
This table in Figure 6 shows that when looking to lower the kVp (green arrows) for lighter patients, for those under 60 Kg a change of one weight category (as currently done) is enough. However for middle weight patients (60 to 80 Kg) a change of two weight groups was likely to give a perfectly adequate enhancement.
When needing to raise the kVp for heavier patients (over 90 Kg) adjusting the amount delivered by two weight categories rather than one was also likely to offer better enhancement.
Practically, I therefore decided to implement a new rule to change by two weight categories instead of our existing rule of one, keeping the minimum adult delivery to 60 mls, and maximum as 160 mls.