February 26, 08:15 - 09:15 CET
³ - Young ECR Programme: Basic Session - Organised by the ESR |
MRI | Vascular
BS 1 - Vascular
Imaging of supra-aortic vessels
Luca Saba, Cagliari / Italy
Vascular - ESR Connect
February 26, 10:00 – 11:00 CET
E³ - Young ECR Programme: Basic Session - Organised by the ESR |
MRI | Multimodality
BS 2a - Musculoskeletal: traumatic lesions
Imaging of the injured hand/wrist
Eva Llopis San Juan, Alzira / Spain
Musculoskeletal: traumatic lesions - ESR Connect
February 26, 13:00 - 14:30 CET
Research Presentation Session: Abdominal and Gastrointestinal |
UL | Liver
RPS 401 - Estimation of liver fat and stiffness with imaging
Multiparametric ultrasound evaluation of hepatic fibrosis and steatosis in patients treated with bempedoic acid: a comparative study on 100 patients
Giorgia Daccordi, Aprilia / Italy
Estimation of liver fat and stiffness with imaging - ESR Connect
February 26, 15:00 - 16:30 CET
Hands-on Workshop: Advanced Applications of Ultrasound - Organised by the ESR Ultrasound Quality and Standards Subcommittee |
UL | Liver
HW 5Ub - Advanced liver ultrasound: shear wave elastography and fat quantification, techniques and interpretation
Workshops using Canon and OEM ultrasound
Dr. Giovanna Ferraioli, Pavia / Italy | Prof. Vito Cantisani | Richard G. Barr | Thomas Fischer | Dr. Paul Spiesecke
Essential vascular ultrasound: carotid dopplers and DVT scanning - ESR Connect
February 26, 16:30 – 17:30 CET
Research Presentation Session: MRI spinning for development and sustainability |
RPS 613 - MRI spinning for development and sustainability
Deep Learning-Based Spatial Resolution Improving Algorithm for MRI: Comparison of Capabilities for Scan Time Reduction and Image Quality Improvement with Conventional Protocol with and without ZIP
Daisuke Takenaka, Akashi / Japan
MRI spinning for development and sustainability - ESR Connect
February 27, 10:00 - 11:00 CET
Research Presentation Session: Abdominal and Gastrointestinal |
UL | Liver
RPS 801 - Advances in liver imaging
Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence supported Third Harmonic B-mode in gallbladder ultrasound
Paul Spiesecke, Berlin / Germany
Advances in liver imaging - ESR Connect
February 27, 16:00 - 17:30 CET
Hands-on Workshop: Advanced Applications of Ultrasound - Organised by the ESR Ultrasound Quality and Standards Subcommittee |
UL | vascular carotids
HW 11Uc - Essential vascular ultrasound: carotid dopplers and DVT scanning
Workshops using Canon and OEM ultrasound
Prof. Maija Radzina | Prof. Adrian K. P. Lim | Dr. Markus Lerchbaumer
Essential vascular ultrasound: carotid dopplers and DVT scanning - ESR Connect
February 28, 08:00 - 09:00 CET
Research Presentation Session: Physics in Medical Imaging |
CT | 3D-printing
RPS 1213 - Evolution of CT: a key to its sustainability
3D-printed Anthropomorphic Head Phantom Featuring White and Gray Matter Structures for Evaluating CT Imaging
Leening P. Liu, Philadelphia / United States
Evolution of CT: a key to its sustainability - ESR Connect
February 28, 14:00 - 15:30 CET
³ - Young ECR Programme: Students Session |
CT | Subtraction
S 15 - Students session 2
Enhancing diagnostic accuracy of subsegmental pulmonary embolism using CT pulmonary artery iodine subtraction imaging: a multi-reader, multi-case study
Na Tan, Kunming / China
Students session 2 - ESR Connect
March 1, 08:00 – 09:00 CET
Research Presentation Session: Genitourinary |
RPS 1707 - Advances in imaging techniques for the genitourinary tract
CEST Imaging vs. DWI with and without CEST Imaging: Capability for Distinguishing Malignant from Benign Prostatic Areas
Takahiro Ueda, Toyoake, Aichi / Japan
Advances in imaging techniques for the genitourinary tract - ESR Connect
March 1, 09:30 - 11:00 CET
Research Presentation Session: Chest |
RPS 1804 - Technological advancements in chest imaging: MRI, photon counting CT and more
Conjugate Gradient and Deep Learning Reconstructions: Utility for Lung MRI with UltraShort TE to Reduce Acquisition Time with Keeping Image Quality and Nodule Detection Capability
Yoshiharu Ohno, Toyoake / Japan
Technological advancements in chest imaging: MRI, photon counting CT and more - ESR Connect
March 1, 09:30 - 11:00 CET
Research Presentation Session: Chest |
RPS 1804 - Technological advancements in chest imaging: MRI, photon counting CT and more
Early clinical experiences for chest imaging with a new photon counting CT system combining cadmium zinc telluride detectors and super-high resolution deep-learning image reconstruction
Ewoud J. Smit, Nijmegen / Netherlands
Technological advancements in chest imaging: MRI, photon counting CT and more - ESR Connect
March 1, 14:00 - 15:30 CET
Research Presentation Session: Cardiac |
RPS 2003 - Cardiac applications of photon-counting CT
Reducing Variability in Coronary Plaque Characterization with Photon-Counting CT
Amir Pourmorteza, Atlanta / United States
Cardiac applications of photon-counting CT - ESR Connect
March 2, 08:00 – 09:00 CET
Refresher Course: Musculoskeletal |
MRI | Multimodality
RC 2210 - Postoperative imaging of joints Imaging after knee preserving surgery
Imaging after knee preserving surgery
Eva Llopis San Juan, Alzira / Spain
Postoperative imaging of joints - ESR Connect
March 2, 09:30 - 11:00 CET
Research Presentation Session: Chest |
RPS 2304 - Lung cancer imaging: characterisation and prognosis
AI-Based Computer-Aided Volumetry for Invasiveness Evaluation in Lung Adenocarcinoma: Influence of Radiation Dose Reduction and Reconstruction Algorithms on High-Definition CT
Yoshiyuki Ozawa, Toyoake / Japan
Lung cancer imaging: characterisation and prognosis - ESR Connect
March 2, 11:30 - 12:30 CET
Research Presentation Session: Abdominal and Gastrointestinal |
CT | Upright CT
RPS 2401 - Acute abdominal diseases and imaging of the bowel
Upright CT vs. Supine CT: Diagnostic Capabilities for Inguinal Hernias and Subtypes in Emergency Department
Takeshi Yoshikawa, Nagoya / Japan
Acute abdominal diseases and imaging of the bowel - ESR Connect