MSK-Days Medical Imaging for MSK-related disorders is commonplace and there would be very few people on the planet who haven’t had a CT, MRI, Ultrasound or plain X-ray for their movement-related malady. The Canon Online MSK Days consist of daily interactive webinars, led by world-renowned experts. The days will provide an online platform for healthcare professionals interested in MSK and sports medicine to connect and learn as we explore innovative imaging and clinical management insights during a series of interactive lectures, practical teaching sessions and real-life clinical case discussions.
The problem Approximately 1.71 billion people have some musculoskeletal condition, and they are the leading contributor to disability worldwide by limiting mobility, dexterity and participation in work and play (1}. While all age groups are affected to some degree by MSK conditions, because globally the average age of the population is rising, the effects and costs of MSK-based aliments are also rapidly increasing.
Voice of MSK Understanding and treating MSK and sports medicine-based conditions require us to work together. To improve the well-being of patients and to avoid healthcare costs blowout, we need to collaborate, not only in the innovation and development of new technologies but also in their implementation and best practices. Canon Medical understands the importance of education and strives to be the ‘’Voice of MSK and Sports Medicine’’ by bringing together subject-matter experts from all over the world to share discoveries, insights and case studies from research and clinical practice.
This webinar series occurs now in the past. The recordings of each day are now available. Please visit each page to watch the webinars again.
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MSK Webinars Multimodality Webinars